ASCenSIon is advancing Space Access Capabilities with TU Dresden, the European Union and ESCP Business School
The Chair of Space Systems at TU Dresden runs the ASCenSIon project. It is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. ASCenSIon stands for “Advancing Space Access Capabilities – Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection”. The acronym exemplifies the core objective of the project: cutting edge space access research.
In particular, ASCenSIon deals with launcher systems that are (partially) reusable and capable of injecting multiple payloads into multiple orbits. The purpose of the project is to develop a programme that focuses on several specific areas of cutting edge space access research. The network aims to provide design concepts as well as to identify and advance critical technologies to prove their feasibility .

Scientists to Accompany the Space Sector
As the space sector rapidly changes and a multitude of diverse space actors emerge, a new class of space scientists is necessary. Hence, ASCenSIon trains 15 Early Stage Researchers from all over Europe. Their aim is to become leaders in the European effort of utilising space. These researchers will not only be excellent specialists in their domain. They will also have a deep understanding of the complexity, multidisciplinary and internationality of launcher development.
They will advance a variety of technologies with both computational and experimental techniques that ensure efficient processes and reliable results. We as Jean-Baptiste Say Institute of ESCP Business School are thrilled to advance their entrepreneurship skills and support their endeavours.