Entrepreneurship at ESCP Business School in 2020
The Annual Report walks its reader through new sponsors and partners of the institute as well as updates from teaching, incubation (Blue Factory), and research. Moreover, it highlights successes in terms of visibility. It also introduces the local teams in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris and Turin. The report concludes with an outlook on 2021.
Read the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute for Entrepreneurship Annual Report 2020 now!
Get in touch with the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute
René Mauer, the European coordinator of the institute, uses the report to connect with the stakeholders of the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute for Entrepreneurship: “Reach out to share how you are doing these days. We want to share your stories with the community – and I am sure there is more we can help with!”
You can do so by signing up for our newsletter, engaging with us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, or sending an email to our Head of Communication Sophia Braun (sbraun@escp.eu). We’re looking forward to hearing from you!